A blog where I wish to have the opportunity not only to write how I feel but in hope that we could encourage one another. :-)
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Thorn in the Flesh
I went to a seminar where we were divided into small groups for discussions and I was in the leaders group, supposedly learning how to organize choir, worship team etc. The moderator, from Hong Kong has a successful ministry in the music industries and knows a lot of contemporary singers who are very popular and who are Christians. So he shared with us about a “thorn” who has constantly been “poking” him. But the difference was, he said that this thorn was allowed by God.
He was very miserable and has often complained to God about this person and wondered why God didn’t remove him just as he has prayed. After 10 long years, with this guy continuously bugging him, one day his eyes blinked. He realized that though this person has been such a pain in the neck but because of him, he has actually improved greatly. He also realized that this “thorn” was not happy himself. life is still not easy but they managed to become friends, at least.
So he shared with us this: don’t take the “thorns” in your life lightly. Even though we wished that they are not there but in reality everyone has his/her thorn. Face it, with the presence of this “thorn” you have been trying pretty hard to improve, right?
Do you have a boss or senior or superior who often given you trouble and who purposely trying to make your life difficult? Or you have a teacher or a senior person who seem to “bully” you often? Now take a new look at them. Do not ask God to remove them (very likely you are removed before they do). If you manage to weave around them and learn to excel in the most difficult time, knowing that you are not doing it for anyone, nor please anyone but you are doing it unto God (Col 3:17).
Here are some pointers and hope that they will be eye opener for you:
1. Treat them like a friend (Ps Dan often says, “It’s better to have one more friend than to have an enemy”. So it doesn’t matter if they are being difficult – just bear in mind, they are your future best friend.
2. Pray for them daily and commit their needs to God. Remember when you pray, you are breaking down spiritual barriers and walls that hinder the relationship. Prayer will open their eyes to see the truth as it is.
3. Keep up the Christian testimony – “let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” (Matt 5:16) No one says that this is going to be easy but endurance and long sufferings will pay off in the end when you continue to shine for Jesus.
4. Lastly, love your enemy and pray for them. No one could actually reject love. People who seem to reject love is not because they are rejecting you but that they themselves could not accept love. Maybe at one point in their lives, they have been truly hurt and this was not handled properly. It became a gangrene that will not go away until they trust love again. So maybe God is using you to help this person to trust in true love again. And this time, love is none other than in our Lord Jesus Christ.
So I pray that you will be encouraged with these words. I didn’t say that it’s going to be easy but with God’s help, you will overcome. Not only overcome but you will be victorious. You can start with Praying and Loving that person first. Remove the stain glass that you have been wearing all these whiles and start looking with the compassion of God. I guarantee you will see a different picture.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
We arrived at Kuching on the 13 Nov, Thursday. The night before, I had a nightmare that the 10th anniversary program did not turn out well. I was all cold sweat and fear but I quickly prayed and asked God for assurance and I thank God for His faithfulness. I knew, at that point that God is in control and I am only one of His servants to make it happen in so that all glory to Him.
Then when we arrived in Kuching both Daniel and myself were dead tired and were feeling really exhausted. I guess it is the happenings for the last few weeks that had drained us out of all our energy. Though now I recognized that these are all spiritual warfare but I was still sad over the incidences. The question: what has happened to our church leaders that they could raise such un-trustful questioning over us? Though the hurts is dimming but the impact is still bearing.
Nevertheless, we tried to sleep and take as much rest as possible before we start the camp the next day.
The camp turned out wonderful. We have three people saved and lots of miraculous healings and deliverance among the people. They were so hungry for God and their faith is so simple. Seeing their child like faith, I give thanks to God for it is for these people that we are called into the ministry.
When the leaders shared with us, they too experiencing lots of conflict in the church and this dear couple also have thoughts of leaving the ministry to go somewhere else. The leaders, though they no longer young, they love the people with their whole hearts. They were not even in full time ministry, yet they poured out their all for the people. I could see that they genuinely love the people as their own. We encouraged them, stating that their problem is not new at all because we are facing the same problem. We too, thought of giving up many times especially in recent weeks, but the Holy Spirit has been convicting our hearts not to do so.
And this is what happen all over the churches. Satan is not persecuting the church with the outside force, rather he is using the internal matters; those that come dear to our heart to smash the confidence among the pastors, to stop us from being effective. I saw this strategy occurring to churches disregard of their sizes in their congregation. Church people are getting “smarter” and they thought that they could run the pastor as well as the church.
Like Pastor Daniel said, “It is not a matter as to who run the church, it is a matter as to who is CALLED.” People in the church began to take the calling of God likely especially in the pastoral ministries. This is exactly what Satan wants to see. In no time, the church pastors, being discouraged and hurt, will leave the ministry and it is not surprising that the churches will suffer like an orphan without the shepherd. Or, the church will be left with so much of hurts that they have no time for evangelism or mission.
Yet, I thank God for pastors who persevere, who do not take the calling of God likely. They knew this is where God wants them to be and they are yet to give up (thought thoughts as such is not uncommon). They are made up of tough material, specially chosen by God to shepherd his people. God will strengthen their feeble legs and will raise them up again to finish the race, a VICTOR. Amen!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Cancer or Not by Rachel Law
Rachel attends our church and presently a student in communication. I find this article thought provoking and reflect some of the real issues in real people. Do read with an open mind and you'll be blessed. The subject of love and acceptance portrayed is beyond some of us but that's what grace is all about...not being judgmental (leave that to God) nor accusing (leave that to Satan). Just learn the Jesus' way - LOVE (Comments and discussions on this matter are welcome)
I was shocked –perhaps like the rest of the Christian world- to read about the news regarding Planetshakers' Ps. Mike Guglielmucci's fraud, a two-year deception about his terminal illness.
Of course, it saddens me to know what he has done, especially so when he is in a position of a religious leader, and a great influence for young Christians worldwide. There is no need for me to rephrase whatever the media has published but it is upsetting that many believers are doing exactly what some parts of the world would do when convicting someone.In Youtube, I came across this video made by a fellow Christian. In it, Mike was mocked, using Bible verses! I'm not trying to say that Mike wasn't wrong, but is this the solution to this dilemma?
The Bible is the absolute truth but it is not right to misuse it in such a way like, "If you don't believe in Jesus, you'll go to HELL!" I'm raising the question, "What would Jesus do?" Did Jesus ignore, neglect, insult or in a way or another, look down upon prostitutes, tax collectors, or those with sickness? He had come and is here for those who are screwed up, people who mess up, those living in the dark. He came to heal the sick. As Jesus said in John 8 verse 7, “Those who have not sinned, cast the first stone.”Understandably, when we are wronged , we get angry or upset almost instantly.
But I encourage you Christians out there who may have been cheated by Mike’s doing -whether financially or of trust- to just step back, breathe and look at the bigger picture. We cannot absorb everything and anything the media tells us, and I am speaking from a point of view of a communication student. Bear in mind, there is always the other side of the story. Mike is seeking professional help here, so clearly he is aware of his wrongdoings. And as one fellow believer said, "His lies were wrong, but what he preached about God was not." So let's stop making any harsh generalization here.I believe many of us worldwide have prayed for the healing of his alleged 'sickness'. But don't you think now is the time we should all the more pray for him?
I am positively certain that many of us have had stones being thrown at us. However, that does not mean that we rightfully deserve every stone that hurts us. When a fellow sister or brother-in-Christ falls, don't plunge the knife in further with your malicious words. Take his hand, help him up. Pray and encourage him. Rebuke in love. He needs that more.And if you ask me, "Healer" (written by Mike) is a song saturated with the Holy Spirit. The words and melody of the song are so beautiful, that it is impossible to believe that God was not involved in the composition of this inspiring song. Last but not least. Mike, we want you to know that we are all praying ever HARDER for you.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Pastor's Wife - Big Deal!
So we have perfected that smile on our face when we meet in all these meetings and services that the church members have expected it that way whenever and wherever.
If you are a pastor’s wife and happen to double up as a full time pastor as well, then you must be a spider woman who has to stretch all eight legs in all directions. Once a lady in the church asked me, “What do you actually do each day?” with curiosity. Then with a smirk she continued, “I don’t really understand your work and it seems to me that you are always available.” By that she means I seem to look very free with my time.
“Hmmm…”, I replied, “Not much really, just routine work each day.” “I often start my day before 6 in the morning and get the children to school. When that is done, I will wash up all the clothes and dishes and clean up the house. By then it’s almost noon and time to prepare lunch.” “O Yes, I will do my devotion (just in case she thinks that I am not spiritual) and will finish my preparation for the teaching lesson for the week (if possible)”
“Then,” I continue, “I will go out for visitation or counseling or if not, will prepare or finish my sermon for the week and squeeze in some shopping in the supermarket for food. When the children come home, I will be there to greet them and also to ring pastor if he’s home for dinner (since he may have last minute appointments).”
“Getting dinner is next in my agenda. And while preparing, I will rehearse the songs that I will lead for the weekend plus maybe thinking about the ladies meeting tomorrow. O yes, I need to think of the parts for the choir tonight too.”
“When the children are finally with their home works, I will be rushing off for the choir practice or a cell meeting.” (while in the church I will meet with some people in charge of the cell meetings the day after) “I will reach home like 10 at night. Before I sleep, I will have to prepare for tomorrow’s breakfast and ironing plus some reading and prayer” (never forget to include this element in your conversation in order to be spiritual)
“Then more reading and more preparation for the service, and help to touch up the bulletin in time for printing tomorrow.”
“At last when I am finally in bed, my last assignment is to lend a listening ear to the pastor who has been out ministering to the people in the church. This could be a long session – I mean long because he has so many things to talk about; the meeting yesterday, the service tomorrow, the counseling the day before…and then lights off!”
“So, not much really…just a normal routine work…just need to learn how to be a better spider woman, that’s all!”
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Why are Christians behaving meanly to other Christians?
We forgot that behind all these verbs is one important element – LOVE!
Love includes grace that forgives and accepts one another including the rights and the wrongs. But far too many Christians cannot see this truth and being bound in their actions and reactions, causing many to turn away from God and His abundant GRACE.
What am I speaking here? In some plain words it means, Christians are trying to hold other Christians down in the name of righteousness and performing the art of judging and pronouncing judgment into one another’s life through a series of backbiting, wrong reports or false reports (all based on pre-conceptual feelings and ideas). They make whatever reports that they are presenting “look” spiritual by attaching remarks like “I am telling you what God is telling me.” “I heard another Christian told me this.” “I don’t really mean that he/she is that bad. After all there’s always some good in a person, isn't it?”
Such qualifying remarks make them look real good and the other person under serious scrutiny that brings the listener into serious thoughts as to how this person should be evaluated. How profoundly these statements are being used in the church settings today!
A brother was leaving the church and when an ex member of the same church (left church due to misunderstanding with the pastor) met in the shopping mall, she immediately asked if the brother left because of the pastor. This brother who has left the church because he was sent to work elsewhere by the company looked confused and disillusioned because he did not know why his leaving has to do with the pastor.
But because of preconceived idea that this sister has, anyone who leaves the church will be the pastor’s fault.
Talks began to fly in other members of the church and ex member saying that it was because of the present pastor therefore “many” people are leaving the church. In no time the pastor is given the verdict that he is the main problem that caused the church to split into its present state.
But when you walk into the church, such situation was not found and such statement was not called forth. You would be wondering what has happened but people prefer to listen to juicy negative views than to pray for correct representation of the real situation.
So am I speaking Greek here or you actually know what I am talking about. May I appeal to you as a believer who loves God and who loves God’s people, “Stop treating one another meanly.” Paul understood such concept perfectly. In his epistles (letters) to the churches, he often emphasized phrases like, “carrying ONE ANOTHER’s burden”; “lift up ONE ANOTHER”; “Speak to ONE ANOTHER in psalms and hymns; “love ONE ANOTHER.”
These are familiar verses that we often quote in the church and indeed it’s what we are supposed to be. I went to a church to preach. It is a Chinese speaking church. The moment I entered the church, I was attracted with lots of phrases pasted on the wall in the hall. It read as, “speak in love,” “encourage one another,” “comfort someone,” “stretch out your hand in love,” etc.
I was very impressed by those small slips of paper all over the church, reminding her members to do likewise to one another. My heart was warmed and I smiled.
How many of us actually need to remind ourselves constantly of loving one another instead of “killing me softly with his words…” as one song goes.
A professor of mine in expository preaching said this, “Expository preaching needs to be taken seriously in churches today. Preachers need to take their preparation in the sermon seriously and take time to study the word. But,” he continued, “the most important thing after the sermon is prepared, is not how well your presentation is going to be (though it is important) but rather if the congregation is UNITED enough as ONE to receive the word in their hearts.”
In other words, is the congregation ready as a platform for the word of God to take effect in the lives of the believer that ultimately will deepen their relationship with God. Because otherwise, all the preparation of the Word of God could not find the platform to preach.
Are you ready to contribute to this platform in the church? Then, start loving one another genuinely!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
A thought on Shyju Matthew

We have about 30 of us gathering round and we started with ice breakers. It was a fun game called "animal farm". Then Shyju shared about 10 mins about being young and how he had come to be who he is today.
Then I asked him a question: "You seem to be always so 'spiritual'. Is there a time when you also felt tempted to do vices?" (paraphrased)
I like his answer. He said, "When you are so busy with God, you have no time for other things, much less to bother with temptations." (paraphrased)
The thought was, God has offered us all the good things in this world and the best of all is to spend time with Him, knowing Him and seeking His will and doing His will. Yet that is the last thing we ever want to do because it sounds so boring.
"Well, pastor, I'm sure he doesn't mean just praying and thinking about God's things and so on. I'm sure he has other activities as well." I'm sure too but whatever he does, he has God in mind.
For example, if you are a lawyer, you will be working on many cases and so your mind would be filled with these cases all day. This is important to you. You need to think of precedence and to think of ways to get your client out of trouble and to win the case. This is your job and this is your interest.
The day when you lose your interest is the day when you will dread to work. The same here with spiritual thing. Shyju finds it interesting to dwell in the things of God and he enjoys every moment of his life to seek God and to him, this is his destiny.
Just pause for a moment. I'm not asking you to become Shyju the #2 but I'm asking you to rethink of your priority in life. Is there something that you need to discard from your life or slow down to catch up with the spiritual growth? Our paces in life is so fast that we lost track of God in our lives. We forget that He is here. The only time He is visible is when we need Him.
So I would like to ask you some questions that you may have taken for granted because you are a Christian :-)
Have you read your bible today? Have you prayed and sought God today? Have you sang and worshipped God and met Him in the secret chamber? Shut the door and be on your knees!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
teens...Teens...TEens...TEEns...TEENs...TEENS #2
First, maybe the computer games is a way out for him with the busy schedule and he felt justified by using his "free time" to play. But for parents who think that he could use those time to do better in school. The big question is: Are we govern by results or allowing results to govern us?
I am not advocating to "legalize" computer games in the house. What I am saying is, if they are not allow to play the computer games, what other activities beside studying that you would allow them or would interest them? Would you as parents will bring them for swimming or have a game of badminton with them? Or you are too busy with your work and have no time except time to scold them when they are caught in front of the computer.
In yonder days, we didn't have computers but our time were filled with other activities like going to the movies with friends, listening to music or go bowling etc. Looks boring to the youngsters today, but that's how we filled our time.
Then take a look at our kids today. What can we offer them? Are we willing to sacrifice time to be with them in the activities that interest them or we kept on giving excuses (valid ones, I'm sure) for not being there for them.
Teens need to be guided not blamed or scolded for their wrongs. I believe that they are sensible and moreover with the vast exposures to the media, they somehow grow up quicker than we thought that they are. How I wish that my boy will stay the same innocent 5 years old when he first step into school. But we can't expect them to stay there. They grow and so are we.
I believe that as parents, we need to be more alert with what's happening to their world. Don't be too quick to judge their choices but guide them to make the right one.
The one important element is the element of TRUST. We must learn to trust them and allow them to make mistakes and then hold their hands and guide them back to the right path.
Imagine this scenario: The parents are never pleased with the girl and whatever that her choices (clothes, books, music) and so often scolded her for her "taste". She should wear more decently and should read classic and listen to Hillsong all the time. But these are teenagers who also have friends outside. So with each scolding the relationship got more and more sour and after awhile there's only cold war and she does not want to share anymore.
To the teens, her parents just don't trust her and she will not go to the parents if she needs help. Instead she turns to her friends who'll always have the listening ears. Imagine the crowds that she mixes with behind your back because she could not share with you anymore.
Now imagine this one: The parents always share with her and listen to her choices. Though they may not agree but they just briefly bring out their unsettled feelings over certain issues, not outrightly oppose. But they continue to enjoy the fun and intimate relationship with one another.
One day, she has a problem with choices, she felt confident to share with her parents because before these whatever she shares, her parents seem to understand. And if the parents think that this is a bad choice and make it known to her gently, she may not like it but she will listen. Why?
All these are not hypothetical cases but real cases in life. Why is it so different between the two. Simple, because one cares enough to "BANK" into her life every moment when they are together. So when the time for "WITHDRAWAL", even rebuking and not agreeing with her, she can take it because in her "BANK ACCOUNT", there's lots of credit that her parents have made before this.
Ask yourself: Is it easier to talk to a teen that has a great relationship with you or one who always sulk and not talking to you? So before you can actually decide for them what is right or wrong, make sure you spend time listening to them, spend time shopping with them and listening to the kind of music and then state your preference. They will not be offended because they knew that you'd accepted them and they could accept yours as well.
So before you want to shout at that teen of yours, count ten and think, "Do I have any more credit in her/his bank account". :-)
Monday, June 16, 2008
teens...Teens...TEens...TEEns...TEENs...TEENS #1
Let's start with how they talk and what they talk about. They slurrrr to make themselves sound ambiguous and important. Sometimes I stretched my ear so long that it would just snap off one day to try to hear what they have to say. But strangely, they have no problem in understanding one another, which amazes me.
They talk about music, fashion, internet games (mo xiang.dota...), friendster, mobile phones and most of all what happen to the opposite sex. Try deciphering their sms...sms stands for short message system, right? Theirs is superly short message system. Once a young person sent me a rather long sms but I used two days to try to understand all those short and frustratingly words formed with no vowels and drop off all those ending alphabets. Gosh! It was such a victory when I finally get to read it legibly.
As days go by, I realized that they too have their own language that it will take awhile to understand. The excuse is so "lame" and the hair style is so "shock"; that "dude" is so "cool" and that "gal" is so "hmmmm".
How about hairstyles? The guys keep long hairs and make it stands like the twin tower (when waxed) and the girls keep it short and "bob". My, my...it tests my sensibility to try to differeciate who is who from the back.
Music must be loud and stout; with lots of noise and mumbles fumbles (by this I mean rapping and God knows what else).
By now, you should identify yourself as one of them or you have one of them in your house. Besides all these outward identity, what makes me think is what is inside them. What are they thinking and where are they going from here?
We often complain about them being not responsible and not communicative. But it could be because we have not taken to effort to look inside their world. What is responsibility to you may not be responsibilities to them. For a parent, responsibility is "just do what you are told" for "this is good for you." But what is good for them from our point of view may not be true to them.
to be continued...
Friday, May 16, 2008
I Cried Last Night...
After quite awhile and finally settled these roller-coaster rides of emotions, I switched on the TV and saw the gruelling clips of the Si Chuan's earthquake. I was moved by what I saw; the lost of lives, the homeless and the possible epidemic outbreak. Again I cried last night. Only this time, moved by the natural disaster, indirectly caused by human errors by not loving our earth.
That night, before I went to bed, I took some time to think through these two "moving" events that cost my tears to flow; one out of anger and the other out of compassion. I was all of the anger and compassion at the same, within an hour. How foolish I have been, I thought?
Sunday, May 4, 2008
The PK - pastor's kids.com
I don't know about your kids but my pastor's kids are expected to live NORMALLY! Normal because I recognized that they are of the homo sapiens who eat with their mouth and walk with their feet.
So pastor's kids are normal and they face the same pressure that all kids do and they will have to go through difficult decisions when tempted and they may even fall into more temptations and bad habits (you mean they actually sin? O Yes! They do, just like You) , just like any kids their age would have to go through.
I live with two pastor's kids and if you would ask me how is it like raising up two pastor's kids, I would say, "No Problem!" Because the problem is not me raising them up but that they have to live with two pastors in the same house. It is already bad with one but imagine you have to live with two of them under the same roof. I think no one in their right mind would want to live with a pastor unnecessarily and without a dire purpose.
But, do they have a choice? (smile) So instead of us having the pressure, they were facing pressure living under our scrutiny and holding on to their nerves in the church.I think they are very courageous because they have to brave through many storms and many challenges and yet remain sane and sound.
I thank God for my two pastor's kids, Ian and Sue Anne because though they live a different kind of lives than the others yet they have exhibited great patience and love for us, the pastors and to the church.
My appreciation to you and all those pastor's kids out there. Hang on because your patience and love will pay off and God is watching you growing and your life is different because God meant it that way - He meant it well for you because again not anyone is a PASTOR'S KID but YOU ARE!
Friday, April 25, 2008
16 April 2008
He was at the brim of destruction when he tried to overdose himself to death or trying ways to kill himself. One day he met Jesus (details will share with you next time), and then through many years of struggle (not the fairy tales of a sudden change), went through numerous traumatic experiences in life and then now a pastor for more than 18 years, he finally found the meaning in his life-to help other drug dependents to overcome drug abuse.
Through these 18 years, he suffered two deaths (his brother and a nephew); broken family; diagnose with hep C third stage; pioneered three churches before; suffered from nervous breakdown; now pastors a merger church; and finally a drug rehabilitation center.
And last week he celebrated his 42 birthday and he was full of smiles... though the future is still uncertain but his faith in God goes un-wavered. He always says, "I live on 'given days'. I should be dead long ago but God gave me my life and I live each day with His life..." (Gal 2:20)
So a little recollection on the pastor on this pastor's wife's blog. If you ask me how is it like living with a husband who's passion is for the ministry and his days are always shared with the others- It's UNTHINKABLE but I can live with it --- just as yet... so stretch your imagination as I will share with you more as days go... A...........MEN!
(Comments welcome)